Building a successful capital campaign begins with an understanding of the importance of stewardship. Our approach values cultivating a culture of stewardship in congregations; delivering the most personal and effective capital campaigns. 

Our first step in the campaign process is establishing a relationship with your leadership team. We want to understand the breadth of your vision, the goals you have set, and the support you need.

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We’ll partner with you to develop a succinct presentation of your vision. Your case for support is an appeal to your congregation, explaining the difference your goal could make in your faith community. Not only does it outline your vision – but it lays the groundwork for a successful campaign.


We use a feasibility study to map out the pathway to a successful capital campaign. This includes analysis of financial data and surveying general support for a proposed project amongst church members. We’ll provide comprehensive assessments of your congregation’s commitment to moving forward with a campaign.

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A campaign is only as strong as the leaders who guide it. A solid foundation of leadership is capable of helming the campaign through its completion. Leaders are trusted members of your congregation able to focus energy on the achievement of your vision, and will help instill a culture of stewardship as the campaign moves forward.

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Many capital campaigns build momentum by securing several key financial commitments early in the process. Campaigns are most effective when the vision is reachable. It’s best to have a head start when you begin general fundraising. If the campaign begins with an attainable goal or a portion already fundraised, confidence in the campaign builds.

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As a campaign nears its goal, we enter a time of focused prayer and education on how the entire congregation can support the vision for the campaign. Every congregation is unique. However, involving your community in decisions offers immersive engagement that can put your campaign over the edge.

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Be grateful for your success! Thank those who helped make your vision a reality in a tangible and meaningful way. It’s well deserved.

We have a 3-year process for stewarding the commitments that were made to the campaign. Maintaining a culture of stewardship after the fulfillment of your objective will solidify growth in your church and ministry. 


