New Year and Hope
Here we are! The first Monday of the New Year!
As people of hope, we have much to look forward to! God’s call on our lives and congregations is bold and challenges us to grow and be of service in ways we have not yet considered or dreamed of!
Yes, it is true, there is some anxiety. How will the economy do? Will there be a new variant of the virus? How will all of this impact giving?
It is wise to ponder these questions. I know I have, our advisors have, and our clients have. However, we have great examples in scripture of those that have gone before us in faith to achieve great things in the face of uncertainty and adversity. They prove that if God has called us, a way will be made.
As we head into 2022, we are already in dialogue with congregations that want to fulfill their call.
One wants to renovate their worship space.
One wants to start an endowment to fund international ministry.
One wants to expand their current space and consider adding another.
None of these will be easy. All will be hard work. But, the true hope of 2022 is that God will give us all the tools and resources we need to be faithful stewards of the gifts we have been given.