Solheim Stewardship establishes personal relationships with growth-minded churches to enact their unique vision for the future.


 At Solheim, we focus on building a personal relationship with your congregation. Our strategy combines financial expertise, fundraising experience, and a deep understanding of faith. We create personally-tailored capital campaigns to bring growth to religious communities. Our approach is designed to aid your congregation’s vision. Through over a hundred successful fundraising campaigns we’ve demonstrated the transformational power of giving - let us help you inspire your congregation. 



We have completed over 100 successful capital campaigns for churches, demonstrating the strength a congregation has when united around a specific and inspiring plan. Through our trusted methods, we know that capital campaigns are one of the most effective ways for churches to realize and achieve their financial goals. If you're considering a capital campaign, you're ready to grow.


We promise the collaborative creation of an effective, personalized campaign plan, based in a deep understanding of faith. We are known for our informed approach that blends fundraising expertise with theological fluency to create transformative campaigns. We customize our campaigns to fit the needs of your church’s specific background.


Campaigns are a commitment. They require dedication from leadership, congregational engagement, and adherence to a timeline based on your needs. No matter the size of your campaign, the involvement of your faith community is a necessity. There is power when people stand together for a cause they believe in, and through our campaigns, congregations become even more united by their faith.